What do you do if another driver is tailgating you?

Rear-end collisions are one of the most common types of automobile crashes that occur in Pennsylvania. Most of the time, these incidents are caused by a driver following another vehicle too closely. Here, we want to examine what you can do if they follow you. If another driver is following you too closely, the steps you take could help prevent you or others on the road from being injured or damaged to property in an accident.

Letting emotions get the better of you could further aggravate the situation, distracting you and the other driver from the road, and ultimately causing a dangerous accident. But what if it's not that simple? If you're on a two-lane road that doesn't allow passage (or the driver doesn't want to pass), look for somewhere to park the road until the driver passes in front of you, even if it's a parking lot. If you are driving behind, it is essential that you continue to drive your vehicle at the speed limit or at a speed below the speed limit that is comfortable for you. If you're really concerned about your safety or that of others on the road, stop and call local authorities to report an erratic driver or unsafe.

For example, if you are in the left lane of traffic and are driving behind, activate the turn signal, find a clear spot on the right and change lanes.