What to Do When Your Line of Sight or Path of Travel is Blocked

As a driver, it is crucial to have a clear line of sight and an unobstructed path of travel while on the road. However, there may be instances where your line of sight or path of travel is blocked, which can be a dangerous situation. In this article, we will discuss what drivers should do if they encounter this scenario.

Understanding the Importance of Line of Sight and Path of Travel

Before we dive into what to do when your line of sight or path of travel is blocked, let's first understand why these two factors are essential for safe driving.

Line of sight

refers to the driver's ability to see the road ahead and any potential hazards or obstacles. It is crucial to have a clear line of sight to make informed decisions while driving, such as changing lanes, making turns, or stopping for pedestrians.

Path of travel

, on the other hand, refers to the space in which your vehicle is moving.

It includes not only the lane you are in but also the surrounding areas that you may need to maneuver through. Having an unobstructed path of travel allows you to navigate safely and avoid collisions.

Common Causes of Blocked Line of Sight and Path of Travel

There are various reasons why your line of sight or path of travel may be blocked while driving. Some common causes include:
  • Large vehicles such as trucks or buses blocking your view
  • Tall buildings or structures obstructing your line of sight
  • Parked cars on the side of the road limiting your path of travel
  • Bad weather conditions like heavy rain or fog reducing visibility
  • Objects or debris on the road blocking your path of travel
It is essential to be aware of these potential hazards and take necessary precautions to ensure your line of sight and path of travel are not obstructed.

What to Do When Your Line of Sight is Blocked

If your line of sight is blocked while driving, the first thing you should do is slow down. Reducing your speed will give you more time to react to any potential hazards that may come into view.

It also allows you to have better control over your vehicle.

Use your mirrors

to compensate for the blocked line of sight. Adjust them accordingly to get a better view of the road ahead. However, keep in mind that mirrors have blind spots, so it is crucial to turn your head and check your surroundings before changing lanes or making turns. If possible, change lanes to get a better view. However, make sure to use your turn signals and check your blind spots before doing so.

If changing lanes is not an option, increase your following distance from the vehicle in front of you. This will give you more time to react if something unexpected happens. In some cases, you may need to pull over and wait for the obstruction to clear. This is especially true if the obstruction is caused by bad weather conditions or an accident on the road. It is always better to be safe than sorry.

What to Do When Your Path of Travel is Blocked

If your path of travel is blocked while driving, the first thing you should do is remain calm.

Panicking will only make the situation worse. Take a deep breath and assess the situation. If the obstruction is caused by a parked car, slow down and change lanes if possible. If not, stop and wait for the car to move or for the obstruction to clear. Do not attempt to squeeze through a narrow space as it can be dangerous. If the obstruction is caused by an object or debris on the road, stop and assess the situation.

If it is safe to do so, move the object out of the way. However, if it is too large or hazardous, call for assistance from the authorities. In case of an accident or roadwork blocking your path of travel, follow detour signs or wait for instructions from traffic personnel. Do not attempt to go around the obstruction as it can be dangerous and may result in a collision.

Tips for Maintaining Clear Line of Sight and Path of Travel

To avoid encountering situations where your line of sight or path of travel is blocked, here are some tips to keep in mind:
  • Maintain your vehicle's windshield and mirrors. Make sure they are clean and free from any obstructions that may hinder your view.
  • Avoid tailgating.

    Keep a safe distance from the vehicle in front of you to have a clear view of the road ahead.

  • Be aware of your surroundings. Pay attention to any potential hazards that may obstruct your line of sight or path of travel.
  • Use your headlights. This will not only help you see better but also make your vehicle more visible to others on the road.
  • Plan your route. If you know that there are areas with limited visibility, plan an alternate route to avoid them.


Having a clear line of sight and an unobstructed path of travel is crucial for safe driving.

However, there may be instances where these two factors are compromised. In such situations, it is essential to remain calm, follow the tips mentioned above, and prioritize safety. Remember, it is always better to be cautious and avoid potential hazards than to take unnecessary risks.